What was your experience with a program from NeuroGym?




We would love to hear more about your experience. We are always striving to improve and your feedback is invaluable.

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I understand my testimonial made on behalf of NeuroGym may be used in connection with publicizing and promoting NeuroGym, its products, and services. I authorize NeuroGym to use my name, biographical information, and the Testimonial. I hereby irrevocably authorize NeuroGym to copy, exhibit, publish or distribute the Testimonial for purposes of publicizing NeuroGym's programs or for any other lawful purpose. These statements may be used in printed publications, multimedia presentations, on websites or in any other distribution media. I agree that I will make no monetary or other claim against NeuroGym for the use of the statement. In addition, I waive any right to inspect or approve the finished product, including written copy, wherein my likeness or my testimonial appears.

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