The Seed to Success: Ryo Zsun - The Culture Maestro at Zappos
Ryo Zsun’s Zappos journey started as a barista in Zappos' in-house coffee shop, affectionately called the Z-café. From there he continued onto the Customer Loyalty Team wowing customers one phone call at a time. Today, Ryo is a Zappos tour guide and spreads his knowledge about the Zappos culture with visitors from all around the world.

Testimonial Tree
Ryo Zsun’s Zappos journey started as a barista in Zappos' in-house coffee shop, affectionately called the Z-café. From there he continued onto the Customer Loyalty Team wowing customers one phone call at a time. Today, Ryo is a Zappos tour guide and spreads his knowledge about the Zappos culture with visitors from all around the world.
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