Top 4 Ways To Get Testimonials And Reviews On A Website

Testimonials and online reviews are incredibly important for your online reputation. It’s easy to get reviews on websites as long as you follow these easy tricks to get the feedback you need.
1. Email Your Existing Customers
A personal message goes a long way. If you have your customer’s email address, simply shoot them an email thanking them for doing business with you. Let them know they are appreciated, then ask if they would be so kind to share their experience with you so you can add it to your website. Keep the email short and to the point. If you’d like to make it really easy for the customer, you can suggest what they could write so they are not faced with a task and you get exactly what you’re looking for.
2. Go Where Your Customers Are
Another great place to ask for a testimonial or a review is to go where people spent their time: on social media. If you know your customer’s social media profile such as Facebook , Twitter or LinkedIn, you could send a private message there. Open rates on social media sites tend to be higher than open rates on traditional email. Once you collect some feedback through either email or social media messages, you can then add them to your website.
3. Put A Testimonial Section On Your Website
Your website visitors can leave you a testimonial directly on your website when you have a prominent widget set up on your homepage. Another great way to highlight testimonials and reviews is to make a dedicated page and add “Testimonials” to your main navigation. User-generated content helps your website rank higher in Google search results, and it is exactly the type of information your customers are looking for. Make it easy to “Add a Review” with a large visible button, and let the users submit their feedback directly on a page.
4. Create a Survey You Can Send To Your Existing Customers
There are many tools available to create a survey and send to your previous and existing customers. It will take a little bit of set-up time but you will get more detailed information by asking the right questions, receive ratings, uploading images and having everything in one place. Testimonial Tree has a great tool that automates the feedback collection process and will ask your customers to share their feedback on their social media.
If you’d like to save time on testing what works and what doesn’t, download the FREE GUIDE below to skip the trial and error. Here are some proven ways to get the kind of testimonials that will generate more referrals and grow your business effortlessly.